Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This Week's Mission

This week, our mission is to recruit new members wherever we can, from IRC, myspace, facebook, anywhere.

Also, don't forget to donate to freenode!


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Join up!

Hello, and welcome to Paige's army.
This, dear Comrads, is the army to protect IRC from predators, and to fight against trolls.
We are the people who slug along the freenode network, helping out staff by pointing out those working to destroy "TEH INTRANETZ."

If you think you're tough enough, join Paige's army by posting a comment here, signing your IRC nick at the bottom of the comment.

I will either PM you or send you a MemoServ message ASAP, with your new army rank.

Thank you for your service. *salutes*

~Paige, army General